Welcome to EQIP

EQIP is a continuous quality improvement program run by program directors for program directors to allow for data-driven innovation in surgical education and to allow data- informed conversations about the future of general surgery. This program is collaborative and collegial. It is not regulatory, nor will it be used for certification purposes. EQIP is dedicated to ensuring the confidentiality of all data that you share with EQIP. This EQIP project comes at no cost to you or your program for the first two years. (a full one-page description of EQIP is available here, and a more detailed description of the lessons learned have been published in the Journal of Surgical Education.)

IRB Approval

We have structured EQIP as a quality improvement project. Brown University’s IRB has concurred and issued this waiver. If your institution requires EQIP to be cleared by your IRB, please use the PUA and this EQIP – one page description). We would suggest you ask for an expedited review and an exception from research since the project is a quality improvement process and all data ingested into the EQIP database is de-identified.

Timeline & Detailed Instructions

To participate in EQIP 2023:

  1. Sign the Participant Use Agreement (PUA) ASAP. This needs to be done by the program director and DIO and will arrive via Docusign from contracts@simpl.org. If there are any concerns as this is completed, we are happy to assist in answering questions.
  2. When the PUA is complete, you will be contacted by SIMPL with instructions on how to upload the data for your program. This should take minimal time and has been designed to minimize work to be completed by programs.

If you encounter any trouble with these instructions, please reach out to EQIP (EQIPSurgery@gmail.com) or Daniel Relles (Daniel.relles@lvhn.org).

-The EQIP Team